Monday 25 January 2016

How To Make Amla Murabba

  1. Fresh big firm amlas – 1kg
  2. Sugar – 1 ¼ kg
  3. Citric acid – 4 gms
  4. Alum, for each usage – 4 gms
  • Wash and prick amlas all over with a fork.
  • Dissolve alum in 2 litres water.
  • Soak amlas in this water for 24 hours.
  • Wash again with alum water.
  • Put amlas in boiling water and boil for 2
  • minutes.
  • Remove keep aside.
  • Prepare sugar syrup with ¾ litre water.
  • Syrup should be just stick enough when touch between finger and thumb.
  • Put amlas in syrup for 24 hours.
  • Remove amlas from syrup.
  • Boil the syrup to original consistency.
  • Add citric acid and strain.
  • Put amlas back in syrup. Keep aide for 24 hours.
  • Repeat this process. Remove amla, boil syrup, add amla for 4 days.
  • By now amla will stop oozing water, and making liquid thinner.
  • Preserve cooled murabba in a clean tight jar.


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