Monday 11 May 2015

How to Choose the Best Domain Name for Your Website

Thousands of domains are being registered daily to start new websites, blogs or online businesses. Lots of people choose the wrong domain name to make a startup for which they regret later when it’s too late to change the name. A domain name is not just an URL, it’s a brand name and identity of a person or a business. Therefore choosing the right domain name is the most important part for any online startup.

This article will give you a clear idea about how to choose the best domain name for your website that will make your works easier. Hope to provide you the best guideline that can help you a lot to get your first/next domain name for maximum benefit in this journey of internet world. Best of luck.

Here the guideline starts. Read all the steps carefully and try to apply as much as you can for purchasing you next domain.

1. Domain extension:

This is the most important part of domain from my point of view as it has high impact on any domain name except some special cases. To be honest .COM is the best and most popular domain extension in the world for which I usually go for .COM TLDs. Suppose, you have a blog and shared only the name (without domain extension) of your blog with your friend. He or she will definitely write your blog’s name and will add .COM to visit your blog. This is the most common case as .COM is the most common and widely used domain extension. However, .COM TLD may not bring sweet fruits in every cases. If your business, blog etc. is specific the go for that specific domain extension. For example: .ORG is best for organizations, .NET is best for network based sites, .ME is best for personal site. Besides, if you are targeting any specific country then go for country domain extension such as .US for USA, .AU for Australia, .IT for Italy, .BD for Bangladesh, .IN for India etc.

2. Domain length:

This is another important fact about domain. The less letters your domain contain the higher its value is. Yah, domain name with less characters are highly demandable as it’s easy to remember and spreads fast like burning fire. It’s better to keep domain length within 10-12 characters. Look at all top domains, almost all of them contain less than 10 characters such as,,,, and so on.

Interesting fact: There are only 3 single lettered domain names which are fortunately registered before the new law. One of them ( was sold for $6.8 million in 2014 and took place in top ten domain name sales in the history. Main reason behind this high price is it’s very short name.

3. Number and hyphen in domain:

When we see our desired domain name is already registered we usually add number or hyphen rather than searching for new name and get the domain registered. Use of numbers in domain name is fine to a particular level but it should be in an organized way. For example: or is Ok but or is not fine. Now come to hyphen, I extremely recommend not to use hyphen in domain name. It makes the domain name more complicated and hard to remember.

4. Brand-able domain name:

If you don’t want to rely on search engine or referral traffic and want to get popular by your own brand name then choose you domain name very wisely. A brand-able domain name should be small as well as easy to remember.

5. Easy pronunciation:

It’s better to choose a domain that will keep the teeth safe while making pronunciation. If your domain name cannot be uttered easily people will not bother to remember that name. For example: is a bad domain name (I don’t know it exist or not).

6. Easy to remember:

Easy to remember feature is the secret key of successful domains. This feature is most important for branding or selling domain. Remember small, clean and easy to utter domains are easy to remember. Besides, you need to be careful about character recurrence in domain such as In this case some people may forget how many “t”s are there or they might get confused.

7. Relevant to topic:

It’s good to keep your domain name relevant to your website’s topic. It will be an insane job to register a domain name and use it for a cloth store. So don’t make you visitors think that you are a mad person. Be relevant and be logical.

8. Main keyword in domain:

Although it’s not necessary but it’s good to keep your main keyword in domain name. Previously this trick was immensely helpful for SEO but now it not as effective as before. However still it’s a search engine ranking factor for Google as well as other search engines. Therefore, if you can then try to keep your main keyword in domain name but don’t be too much aggressive. For example: In case of starting a women health related blog is better than and is better than Hope I made the point clear to you.

Great! So you are done with the guideline of choosing best domain name for your website. Now get the answer of this below question.


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