Saturday 4 April 2015

How your body tells you to slow down and relax - Stress Symptoms

 A lot of people dread Mondays. Blame modern life for it. A daily barrage of stress hormones though at work or at home may cause a good deal of bad effects to your body. Chronic stress has subtler symptoms that you need to be aware of:

Odd dreams

Dreams tend to be more positive as your progress thru sleep so you wake up with a better mood. When you are stressed out, you tend to wake up often and this disrupts the normal cycle leading to unpleasant imagery thru the night. Try to develop good sleeping habits and avoid alcohol or caffeine before bedtime.

Achy mouth

Stress worsens teeth grinding which in effect leads to soreness around the jaw. Seek the advice of your dentist who might prescribe some mouth guard that you will wear when you sleep.

Weekend headaches

Weekend may mean some down time for you but this drop in stress level may actually cause migraines. Make sure you stick to your eating and sleeping sched even on weekends in order to avoid such terrible headaches.

Bleeding gums

Periodontal disease is evident in people who are chronically stressed. Higher levels of stress hormones weaken your immune system that somehow permits bacteria to invade your gums. Make sure you brush your teeth regularly, try to get enough sleep, and get some exercise.


Sudden acne breakouts is also a sign that you might be too stressed. Treat your skin with cleansers and moisturizers. If it does not stop with these treatments, seek the advice of your doctor.

Sweet tooth

Stress can also make your body crave for more sweets. In women, stress may be the right factor to blame than just hormonal surges.


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